Stedger MARKET
Miss Étoile

Miss Étoile

Miss Étoile is Danish interior and design that is world famous for their creative and personal style. Their collections are filled with soft pastels combined with black lines, which give a completely unique look.

At Miss Étoile, the starting point for any part of the collection is that it must be interesting, functional and can be combined crosswise, so that you can express your own personal style. Miss Étoile is a lifestyle brand that perfectly combines the modern, creative and feminine style with a more colorful universe. All their designs are designed with care, to best express Miss Étoile's passion for colors and details.

One of Miss Étoile's characteristics is, among other things, the eyes that appear on a large part of their ceramic collections. These eyes - both open and closed - have been a big part of Miss Étoile's DNA since the brand's inception. Therefore, it is also with pride that every season they recreate the collections in new exciting designs and interpretations.